Odisha Businessman Gets N95 Gold Mask For Rs 3.5 Lakh | V6 News

A Businessman from Cuttack has got himself a N95 gold mask worth Rs 3.5 lakh. Alok Mohanty, a resident of Kesharpur area of Cuttack, showed his gold mask to reporters on Thursday.“I had recently seen a businessman wearing a golden mask on television. As I have a penchant for gold so I placed the order for the same through a Mumbai based trader. It’s a N95 mask in which 90 to 100 grams of golden threads have been used. The mask has minute holes for breathing and is comfortable to wear,” said Mohanty.Mohanty, who owns a furniture shop in Cuttack, wears lots of gold bracelets, gold rings and gold chains. He also owns a gold cap.
